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NAPOPC-MB-S Support Third Party Modbus Devices (Modbus ASCII/RTU Master), one HardKey included
NAPOPC_ST DA Server is a free OPC DA Server (The "OPC" stands for "OLE for Process Control" and the "DA" stands for " Data Access") for ICP DAS products. NAPOPC_ST DA Server provides many benefits to users such as reduce time through lower system integration costs, integrate easily with plug-and-play SCADA/HMI/Database, connect and interoperate easily to custom applications, access to data by anyone in the automation hierarchy, reduce troubleshooting and maintenance cost,write to devices synchronously and asynchronously (not possible before OPC).
Using SCADA/HMI/Database software program, system contacts and obtains data from NAPOPC_ST DA Server either on the same computer or on another computer. SCADA/HMI/Database makes a request and NAPOPC_ST DA Server fulfills the request
by gathering the data of ICP DAS modules and third-party devices to SCADA/HMI/ Database.
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