Thư viện lập trình ICP DAS CANopen Master Library
ICP DAS CANopen Master Library (DLL functions) for Windows NT/2000/XP/Win7 provides users to establish CANopen network rapidly by Master/Slave connection model. The users can develop various CANopen application programs via this library. The CANopen master library is for PCI CAN interface card, which are PISO-CAN series, PEX-CAN series and PCM-CAN series. Applying the library, users don't need to take care of the detail of the CANopen protocol.
The library implements the CANopen protocol automatically. It can reduce the complexity of user's CANopen master software. The library mainly implements the CANopen protocol with the PISO-CAN series, PEX-CAN series or PCM-CAN series CAN board. It can help users to establish the connection with CANopen slave devices easily. The general application architecture is demonstrated as following figure.
The library provides the CANopen Master mechanism to communicate with slave devices by the SDO, PDO, SYNC, EMCY, NMT and NMT Error Control protocol. Besides, the library supports user-defined event routines such as EMCY, Slave Boot up message and NMT Error Control protocol and users can program self's process for these important events.
The user's CANopen application programs can be developed by the following designated tools: VC, VB6, C#,, OCX, etc. In these tools, the application program can call the PISOCANCPMM.DLL driver to implement CANopen network application.
Note that before communicating I/O data with CANopen slave devices, the Master device must connect to slave devices to build the communication object.
The CANopen communication protocol is based on the Master-slave model. Master should create communication services such as SDO, PDO, and NMT for slave devices to exchanging information and I/O data. To establish master control mechanism, there are only four main steps to be followed.
The CPMUtility utility can easily to access the I/O data of all the slave devices. The users can monitor the input data of the specific slave device and change the output data to the remote slave device with this utility.